That is basically up to you, you'll find navigation instructions on the front page. If you want to use public transportation, we recommend to go to Chrudim, we are able to provide transport if needed. Contact us, if you need more help!
All public consite areas are wheelchair accessible. There is also one room specially equipped for needs of disabled persons (special WC and bathroom).
Contact us in advance, if you want to use these amenities, or if you need more information in this matter.
If you have food allergy or similar medical condition requiring special food, please contact the OrgaTeam in advance. The hotel can cater for virtually any requirement, but we have to know about them before the con.
The consite has normal coverage by Czech GSM operators. The hotel provides free Wi-Fi Internet connection.
Dogs are welcome, please contact us beforehand. Let us know you are planning to take a dog with you and specify what kind of a dog (sex, eventually character traits). We'll take that information in consideration during room assignments.
For safety reasons, we'll have to ask you for a vaccination pass (pet passport) of your animal with a valid stamp for rabies vaccination. Without this, your dog won't be allowed at the consite.
In fourteen days from the day your registration is approved, but no later than the day before con begins. If you need different payment schedule, it can be arrranged, please let us know.
ZodiaCon is being organized by the TechFurs nonprofit organization - see Contacts section. The realization team cosists of Altair and Canus.